The Tyranny of the Scale

by zeenadash

Girl, don't even do it.

I can’t believe that this is week 4 of FitWit! Being at FitWit has impacted me in ways that I never imagined. I have more energy. I sleep better. I  am more productive throughout my workday. My clothes fit better. I have been more conscious of my eating habits, focusing on eating whole, unprocessed, nutrient dense foods.  All of these positive changes, led me to make one very poor decision this week. I decided to pull out the scale.

I knew it was not a good idea, as I have long known that the scale is not the best indicator of overall health improvement. My nutritionist told me this. The FitWit Information book told me this. My spouse told me this. But I decided I needed just one more affirmation of all my good work.

And the scale did not give me that. I had not lost an ounce. I was devastated. And swiftly decided that the most reasonable course of action would be to eat a cupcake.

Thankfully, I better judgement prevailed and I decided to go for a walk.

As I walked, I thought about all the things that the scale doesn’t measure. The scale does not measure the fact that I can now jump rope. Jumping rope looks easy enough, but before I could never get the rhythm and jump consistently. I would trip up after every few jumps. But now I feel like Rocky (or Michelle Obama)! And when I am able to do a double under, I am throwing a big party!

The scale does not measure the bursts of physical activity that I am compelled to do throughout the day now. I skipped into the farmer’s market yesterday. I jog a little while walking my pooch, Bella. I did a set of squats and push ups while watching Modern Family last night. I have impromptu dance parties at my desk. I am becoming more and more impressed with the things that my body can do, if I push it a little.

The scale cannot measure how great I feel about myself. I love that I am doing this! I love that there is a little less jiggle when I run and burpee. I love that I have not missed a FitWit workout and that I actually look forward to them.  Take that, scale!